Monday, March 22, 2010

LAMOREAUX family Biggest Loser Part 2

Ok here it is...

Anyone can post here, change whatever you want, if you want a different background or whatever...

I think we should use this to post recipes, tips that are trash to one!

And of course we will be putting our weight lost and percentage...
To calculate the take your weight you lost and divide it by your starting weight.
so say I weigh
500 lbs in one week i lost
15 lbs. I take 15 lbs and divide that by 500 and that gets me 0.03 or 3% weight loss percentage.
We are going to go by the total weight loss percentage by May 16th. So that means if on May 16th I weigh 450 lbs, that means I lost a total of 50 lbs, divide that by my starting weight of 500. That's 0.10 or 10% weight loss.

It will start March 22 and go until May 16th. We will all weigh in each week to update each other on our weekly a new blog on here about it or just comment on the post for the weight loss... There is no need to post specifically what our weights are...just the weight loss percentage will do.

Let the best loser win..hahaha!


Lam Fam Biggest Loser..who will win?! said...

Like the music Holli, NICE TOUCH!-Pam

Lam Fam Biggest Loser..who will win?! said...

Woot! I am super excited about this! So what has been working for me is woking out 70 minutes a day and eating at least 1,200 cals! Oh and I drink slim fast in the morning, well something like it, the cheap kind! lol But its working! I am so in! Its so on! Woot! Love ya all! <3 -Ashley!